Research Projects
스마트 건설 4세부-스마트 프리팹을 위한 매립형 스마트 변형률 시각화 모듈 개발, 국토교통부
(Development of Strain Embedded Module for Smart Prefab Members)
(Development of Strain Embedded Module for Smart Prefab Members)
스마트 건설 6세부-프리팹 부재 운송 시 프리팹 부재 거동 계측을 위한 IoT 센서 개발 , 국토교통부
(Development of IoT Sensor for Monitoring Prefab Structures during Transporation)
(Development of IoT Sensor for Monitoring Prefab Structures during Transporation)
Bridge inspection with UAV
- $50k funding from NRF
- The goal is to develop non-contact bridge inspection system using computer vision on the UAV.
Development of portable wireless sensor for bridge inspection
- $14k funding from Creative Solution, inc.
- The goal is to develop high resolution, wireless, portable sensor system for vibration measurement
Development of Multi-Vision Processing Platform for Autonomous Condition Assessment of Bridges
- $20k funding from KAIST
- Develop FPGA-based multiple high resolution (4K image) processing module integrated with SLAM module for real-time image processing and navigation.
Neutral-axis Estimation for Structural Condition Assessment based on Sensor Fusion
- $30k/year funding from National Research Foundation (NRF)
- The goal is to develop structural damage sensitive indicator using minimum number of wireless smart sensor
Collaborator, Bridge Network Management based on Deformation of Bearings and Expansion Joints using IoT Sensor Technology (IoT 센서 융합을 이용한 교량 이음부 건전성 평가 및 교량 네트워크 관리기술 개발)
- $50k/year in funding from National Research Foundation (NRF), korea (2017-2019, funded)
- The goal of the research is to develop a IoT sensor platform for monitoring expansion joints of bridge structures.
Condition Assessment of Railroad Bridges using Wireless Smart Sensors
- $520K in funding from Federal Railroad Administration (January 2017 – December 2018, funded)
- The goal of the research is to develop/deploy wireless smart sensors for measuring displacement of railroad bridges and determine safety thresholds that can assist railroads in managing bridge assets and prioritizing repairs.